The authority of Arambagh Municipality (situated in Hooghly District, West Bengal; 100 KM away from Kolkata) requested the AEG to organise a 3-day Capacity Building Programme for its Engineers, Registered Planners and Elected Councilors at its premises on different subjects from 01 to 03 December 2016.
President, Capt. N. DAS (R), Ex-Member, Er. K. N. BOSE and then AGS, Er. S. K. CHANDA took the 3-days sessions.
Day-01: Historical Evaluation in Building Planning; and Issues and Remedies in Building-bye-laws
Day-02: Rain Water Harvesting and Renewable Energy and
Day-03: Low cost Technology and Alternative Building Materials.
35 Engineers, Planners and Councillors participated the Training.