The authority of Arambagh Municipality (situated in Hooghly District, West Bengal; 100 KM away from Kolkata) requested the AEG to organise a 3-day Capacity Building Programme for its Engineers, Registered Planners and Elected Councilors at its premises on different subjects from 01 to 03 December 2016.

Letter from Arambagh ULB

President, Capt. N. DAS (R), Ex-Member, Er. K. N. BOSE and then AGS, Er. S. K. CHANDA took the 3-days sessions.

Day-01: Historical Evaluation in Building Planning; and Issues and Remedies in Building-bye-laws

Day-02: Rain Water Harvesting and Renewable Energy and

Day-03: Low cost Technology and Alternative Building Materials.


35 Engineers, Planners and Councillors participated the Training.